Hellas Rallye Full Film - Recap 2018
For more than six years now, our CEO Domenico Galizia has been travelling to Greece with the Kini Rally Team. The team is led by none other than motorsport legends Heinz Kinigadner. To attend a rally with Heinz and Klaus Kinigadner is to experience the ultimate rally adventure!
For years Epic Minutes has also been documenting Hannes Kinigadner journey in his converted rally buggy as he gives the Hellas Rally hell. Domenico says: "It is extremely exciting, and a hot story to be a filmmaker and photographer at a rally. I have to navigate my own motorcycle in open terrain and always find my way to the front of the field in order to position myself for those epic shots. At the finish of each stage is where the real work begins. As the riders prepare for the next day, the Epic Minutes team reviews the data and gets hard at work editing the day's documentary clip. Ideally, this is already online when the rally participants gather for breakfast the next morning. The smiles and enthusiasm on their faces is compensation enough for me for all the sleepless rally nights!”
Before we set off to Greece again in order to bring you new, action-packed images, here is the recap film of the Hellas Rally 2018 in Olympia.