Epic thoughts for the year’s end EPIC STUFF, CASES, MAGAZINDomenico Galizia29 December 2020DO EPIC THINGS, epicminutesproductionComment
The legal framework also allows high-quality content productions in COVID-19 times. Guest User10 April 2020Comment
Emergency aid for companies with difficulties in online communication MAGAZINGuest User3 April 2020epicminutesproductionComment
unprECedented: Our sports documentary about the EC Red Bull Salzburg takes off EPIC STUFF, Production, CASESDomenico Galizia22 March 2020film production, DO EPIC THINGSComment
Exclusive Behind The Scenes material from the renowned Mille Miglia classic car rally Domenico Galizia4 January 2020epicminutesproduction, film production, rallye, Mille MigliaComment